Apart from the main panel domain, Adserver.Online uses several other domains for internal purposes (e.g., impression pixel, click tracking, etc.). The good news is that these domains can be customised too.

Feature availability

Customization of adserving domains is available to paid plan users starting from the Premium plan (not available on a Trial Premium plan).


Firstly, you should own a spare domain. If you don't, you can buy one. You also have to be able to configure it. You should have access to and know how to use your DNS management panel.

We kindly recommend using a separate top-level domain for this customization.

DNS zones configuration

First, you must update your DNS settings depending on which domain(s) you want to customize.

Customizable domains:

Subdomain Record Type Target Subdomain purpose
track CNAME track.adsrv.net Tracking domain. Used for Direct links, clicks and impressions tracking
srv CNAME srv.adsrv.net Ad server domain. Receives ad requests and responds with ads.
media CNAME media.adsrv.net CDN. Used for static files delivery (e.g. js codes, image, video files)

Second, you must contact support and ask them to finalize the setup. In the message to support, you must provide the list of your custom domains.

Additionally, we will issue "Let's Encrypt" certificates for your domains to make them support SSL connections.

Configuration example

Let's say your top-level domain is example.com, and you would like to customize our "track" subdomain.

To do that, you need to go to your domain manager and create a new DNS record:

track.example.com CNAME track.adsrv.net

Please note that the subdomain name is essential. It would be best if you did not use other subdomains except those mentioned in the table above.

For example, this record won't work:

mysrv.example.com CNAME srv.adsrv.net

Cloudflare Page Rules

When you use Cloudflare, it's recommended to configure Page Rules for your domain as follows:

  1. Select the needed domain in the Cloudflare panel
  2. Go to the Rules / Page Rules menu
  3. Create two rules. Be aware that the order of the rules is essential. You have to select the rule's options as shown below.

RTB seller domain

You may need a specific selling domain if your business is involved in programmatic selling. This domain is for supply chain objects and sellers.json. Learn more in IAB FAQ.

This domain must be a top-level domain of your ad-serving domain. The system automatically determines the RTB seller domain, which cannot be customized. For example, if your server domain is srv.example.com, the RTB seller domain will be example.com automatically.