Users (cookies) matching/syncing

First of all please read this article What is Cookie Syncing and How Does it Work?

Our syncing pixel:{platformId}&uid={uid}&redir={url}


  • {platformId} – 3rd-party platform ID within our system. Ask support to get it.
  • {uid} – string, Unique User ID from 3rd-party system
  • {url} – redirection URL if redirection is needed

Note: If a custom server domain was configured, you must use it instead of ""

In the SSP usage scenario, an ad exchange may provide you with its syncing pixel. In this case, you should put it in "HTML pixel" field of your RTB banners.

For example, if you get URL[UID] and it's image-pixel you can use the following HTML pixel:

<script>(new Image).src="{uid}";</script>

If you need an Iframe-based pixel, you can use the following HTML code:

<iframe src="{uid}" width="1" height="1" scrolling="no" frameborder="no"></iframe>

Please note, you have to use our macros {uid}