
Retargeting (or remarketing) is a display advertising technique used by marketers to display ads to people who have previously visited their websites. In this case, marketers use a pixel on their webpage which sets a cookie in the user's browser. That cookie allows the marketer to target that particular website visitor with their ads everywhere on the internet using retargeting.

How to set up retargeting

Let’s say you are promoting a website. For example, You will need to follow these steps to set up retargeting:

1. At first, you need to create a new audience.

In order to do that, go to Setting/Audiences menu and press the Create button. You will need to fill an audience name, ('Example', for instance) and set Expiration period in days. The expiration period determines how long a visitor belongs to an audience after he had visited the site with your tracking pixel. You will see pixel’s code after pressing the Create button.

2. Then you need to place that pixel on your website –

3. After that, you need to set up Retargeting on a campaign form by simply choosing the audience you need. And that's it – you've set up retargeting for your campaign!

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4. Optional. You can set up a higher Tier on the campaign form in order to prioritize the retargeted campaign.

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Retargeting is a very powerful tool that allows you to reach your target audience even after they have left your website. It can be used by individual internet marketers who look for an increase in conversions, as well as advertising networks and agencies who can offer this feature to their clients.


Due to 3rd party cookie policies, retargeting may not work in some browsers, for example, Safari. After a recent update, this browser started blocking 3rd-party tracking due to Apple policy.

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