Frequently Asked Questions

No. We are not an advertising network; hence we don't sell or buy traffic. We are an ad tech platform for building ad networks, tracking ads, and managing ad campaigns.

No. We are not an advertising network; hence we won't buy your traffic. We are an ad tech platform for building ad networks, tracking ads, and managing ad campaigns.

However, you can use us for ad tracking, managing your advertising activities, and selling your traffic to 3rd-party ad networks via RTB/XML/JSON connections.

No. We don't sell or buy traffic since we are not an advertising network. We are an ad tech platform for building ad networks, tracking ads, and managing ad campaigns.

However, you can use us for ad tracking and managing your advertising activities.

No. We are not an advertising network; hence we cannot promote your websites/businesses. We are an ad tech platform for building ad networks, tracking ads, and managing ad campaigns.

However, you can use us for ad tracking, managing your advertising activities, and buying traffic from 3rd-party ad networks via RTB/XML/JSON connections.

No. We solely offer cloud (SaaS) service and do not have a self-hosted/on-premises version.

Our software is reasonably priced and may suit your needs despite being cloud-based. So you can focus on your business while we handle everything else to ensure your adserver is operational.

Adserver.Online plans are consumption-based. The consumption unit is a so-called ad request.

Each time a webpage makes a request for an ad to our servers, an ad request is counted.

Requests may not always result in impressions due to targeting, frequency capping, etc. Requests count may equal impressions only in the case when you have 100% fill rate (i.e. all your sites/zones have ads for every user).

In-depth billing explanation

Adserver.Online has very flexible pricing. We charge our users according to the number of ad requests they actually use with the more traffic you have, the less ad requests cost you.

Check out our pricing plans.

Clicking on 'Pricing calculator' opens a window with details on how the price changes with the ad requests volume.

Check out In-depth billing explanation article to learn more.

In order to upgrade your plan to Premium you just need to click on "Upgrade plan" link on your panel and proceed with a payment.

Your account will be upgraded as soon as the payment is processed. Otherwise, you can contact our team at [email protected] and they will guide you through the process.

We want our users to get a feel of what our Premium is so most users are granted a free trial Premium for a limited period of time. It’s free and it has all Premium features but the overall capacity is limited to 1 million ad requests.

In terms of features, the plans are almost identical. The main difference is how their billing works.

The Pro Buyer plan is designed for a specific segment of users — those who buy traffic programmatically.

During buying process exchange/ad network may send all of its traffic to your RTB/XML endpoint(s). This often results in receiving a significant amount of unwanted traffic.

Let's say you're interested in purchasing traffic specifically from Germany. Unfortunately, the typical ad exchange or ad network may send you traffic from various other countries as well.

With our Premium plan, you'll be charged for every incoming request, regardless of whether it aligns with your targeting or not.

To address the issue, we have introduced the Pro Buyer plan. This plan separates regular ad requests from empty programmatic requests in billing and also includes a generous amount of free empty requests.

If your business model matches the model described above, using of the Pro Buyer plan will result in a significantly lower cost than the Premium plan.

Read this article in our Knowledge base.

We have REST API as well as JS API. Developer documentation.